Anyway the films that make me cry, they're usually more likely to be children's films that i used to watch when i was a kid... so The Lion King is definitely the top of the list as I remember watching this as a kid and balling my eyes out!!!
So here we go....
1) The Lion King makes me cry when Simba's dad dies...
Anyway it does make me cry like a baby ... and also can you feel the love tonight when he is reunited with Nala... I love it... Lion King 2 does as well!!!
2) ET when he dies .... and when the doctors are doing tests on him.... Oh my god i cry my eyes out !!!
I cry like a baby as it's again all about the narrative and the characterisation, a little boy and an extra terrestrial who he has cared for and has bonded with and suddenly he dies... and that connection is what makes ET come back to life ... I never knew a Alien could make me cry let alone a kid... when he cries (Eliot) thats it i'm gone!!!!
It's really really sad .... Steven Spielberg's fault!!!!
3) When Black Beauty Dies!!!
When his friend Ginger dies thats it i'm gone... the horse nuzzles her begging her to wake up and it's so painful... there are many moments in this film that are so touching and also a brilliant film with an all star British cast.
Don't watch without tissues!!!
4) When Satine Dies in the Moulin Rouge...
Amazing film but i need tissues!!
5) When MeatLoaf dies in the Rocky Horror Picture show
Why do I cry I have no explanation ... maybe it's the horror and disbelief that someone could actually put an axe into Meatloaf's head.... it's actually not very nice!!!! Anyway Short version is I cry!!!
6) Avatar when Neytiri finds Jake in Human Form and they say I see you!!
I ball like a baby throughout this film, the moment when Jake takes his first steps as an Avatar and ends up running. When Home Tree is destroyed and of course when Jake is found by Neytiri in the pod thing and he's unconscious and OH WHEN GRACE DIES!!!!
Yes Avatar is an emotional ride on an epic scale with Alien/human Love and the threat of a race being wiped out due to the Human vistors ... James Cameron I salute you!
and thats all i can think of for now !!!!!
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