
Monday, 10 June 2013

Sliver Linings Play Book

What can I actually say apart from the fact I love this film... It's a great film to watch.
You can understand why Jennifer Lawrence won an Oscar for her performance in the film, her characterisation is just to the point. So is Bradley Cooper's, to play someone with a
Mental Illness must be difficult if you have never experienced it before or been in the situation to understand how the Illness can impact on the family, friends and more importantly the person who is dealing and battling with these issues.

The great thing about the actual adaption was it was so pure, it didn't try to over play the mental illness or try to ram it down your throat, the actual process of sitting and watching it was just you and these people. It was like being a spectator.

The narrative is simple and not overly complex, a guy who is having mental health issues is released from hospital back home to live with his parents. He is Bipolar (Manic Depressive) and is dealing with the issue of his wife cheating on him with a different man, which then lead him to beat h
im half to death.
So in the beginning we are faced with his emotional problems and how he has for the past 8 months been dealing with it, with thinking positively, exercising and losing weight. But things from his marriage still haunt him.

His wedding song (his first dance) is a trigger and there is a scene in the doctors office where the doctor tests him by playing it in the waiting room to see what effect it has, which of course has the negative effect rather than positive. He is still hung up on his wife and the fact that he can't talk to her, see her and explain to her how he is feeling.

Bradley Cooper who plays Pat was perfect I have nothing bad to say about the way he treated that role, he knew exactly how to play it...

Jennifer Lawrence for me is the star of that film, her character has been through a really tough time, she has got an over baring control freak of a sister who throughout I just wanted to shake and go STOP IT!!! As for most of the time it was her sisters actions that made her mental state worse. Tiffany (Jennifer) had recently lost her husband in a hit and run and was depressed before the incident, but the that event triggered it to get worse. She is a very awkward character and very hard to read... on many levels due to the fact that most people with mental illness can't really express the way they feel.

I'm not being patronising... I have Anxiety Disorder and also Asperger's and have been in a mental health unit when I was younger so I knew what the characters on some level went through.

I think the film for the most part is giving the audience an insight into life living and dealing with a mental illness although it is in fact a Romantic Comedy... I found that I didn't laugh that much... i actually sat there and thought this is more of a powerful drama, or maybe that was my interpretation.  

This film is powerful and well worth a watch it can be hard to get through as the characters are all manic, no one really in that film hasn't got a mental health problem of sort.... Robert Dinero's character had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Pat's best friend was in the early stages of Depression/Anxiety which was a lovely thought.

At the end I nearly cried and I really don't want to give away the ending as you'll have to see for yourself, I wouldn't want to spoil it as it is beautiful and I think this has become one of my favourite films ever!!!

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