
Sunday, 23 June 2013

And He Said ... I'll Be Back

In 1991 we never expected that Arnie would return as the Machine that terrorised Sarah Conner in the Original 1985 film The Terminator, created by the legend of all things CG and Sci Fi that is James Cameron.

So what do we know... well as expected since the first film after the Terminator was destroyed the FBI and the CIA have made sure that  Sarah Conner cannot speak the truth and have the remains of the machine that was sent to kill her from the future. This is how Sky Net is born, from the information collected from the chip found in the crusher at the factory in the last film.
 Sarah Conner has changed, she is tougher, more toned and completely the best female lead ever!!!
She bore a son, the leader of the human resistance against the machines in 2029 John who in the film is a troubled child, not the leader of a human resistance that we all hear of coming out of Sarah Conner's mouth. John is a foster child, and a bad ass at that... he rides bikes, steals money and blasts Guns 'n' Roses 'You Could Be Mine' (The theme song to this film!) causing trouble and being a damaged kid who hates his mother.  He has no idea what is to become of him, or what the near future will hold as be known to him, he has sent the original terminat
or back in time to make sure he is protected from the new versions of terminators the T-1000's, made of liquid alloy they can transform into anything they touch if it is of equal size.

So how has that changed the game, well throughout there is a prediction in 1997 a nuclear blast will destroy and kill the human race,  caused by a computer that can think for itself. Created in America for defence purposes it begins to think for itself, releasing a nuclear war head onto Russia... Russia Counter act this attack and blow up America. The Machine has won and the fight begins.

There is that Iconic scene from Sarah Conner's dream which is quite gruesome from the outset although this film is full of gore.... after all it is The Terminator!  Sarah Conner is watching herself playing in a playground with a younger version of John, screaming at herself to pick her children up and run for cover... well actually she's screaming at all of them when the bomb hits burning her alive.

Sarah has changed you can she that, wearing combats and army gear she looks like a warrior, again James Cameron doesn't hold back on the strong female lead, she looks feminine but is still strong... she is still a mother who loves her son but she is still a warrior determined to stop Sky Net before it is even created going after the man who is responsible for 3 million deaths and the eradication of the human race.

So what about the film well after this there were 2 more films although  T4 was mainly about John Conner in 2029 played of course by the hunk that is Sam Worthington (who also played Jake in Avatar) which shows what the future looks like. I need to watch T3 as i haven't had chance to... but the thing about T2 is the special effects. James Cameron is known for making sure that he has the state of the art technology on all of his films, but to create the T-1000 the actual CG must of been tough back in 1991. This is before the days of when Pixar where one of the biggest animation studios in the world specialising in Computer Generated Graphics and where CGI was mainly primitive so to pull of the liquidation of a terminator or a solid object was awesome and as a geek brilliant to watch. T1 was brilliant from 1985 but that metal skeleton was just bad.... you know the scene .... it just shook ... T1 was an independent with a limited budget but still I burst out laughing and holding my sides when I watched it... listening to people saying:
"In 85 that was scary!"

Maybe it was, but in the space of 6 years the technological advancement in that film franchise was amazing... and this is why I have a passionate love for Terminator and for James Cameron. I bet he was still writing Avatar and figuring out how to film it when this was made.

Terminator is scary as the realisation for most of us is that we use machines everyday and we as a human race allow them to actually control out everyday lives. Terminator was in it's own way through fiction showing us what could happen!!!!

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