Chain Reaction from the outset it just looks like another action filled Hollywood blockbuster with some big names which it has... the cast names are like the golden cast for any film!
Morgan Freeman of course, Keanu Reeves and even the lovely Rachel Wiesz, so it's no surprise when Sky 1 put on this belter that I sat down on the lazy boy, curled up under a sleeping bag and ordered myself a take away and watched it the whole way through.
So whats it about???
Well like i said it's not your typical action film, filled with action packed scenes to make any man squeal like a little girl with excitement... this also has an underlying narrative of green energy, James Bond type Espionage and of course Bourne like running away from not only the FBI and the CIA.
So imagine you're an under-graduate lucky enough to work with some of the best scientists and physicists in the world working to find a fuel that is completely green and that will free the world into cheap reliable engergy that will not harm the planet only to find out that it is an undercover CIA operation later on that will frame you up with the event that will indeed set up the chain reactions that will lead you to finding the truth like the film title suggests.
So Eddie (Reeves) has managed to unlock the frequencies needed to make an unstable experiment work whilst trying to work on the plans late at night, going into the research facility the next day as the hero testing it out and it works successfully. Everyone is happy, elated even as their hard work is now complete and they throw a party to celebrate Lilly (Wiesz) gets of course very drunk and can't drive home so our hero takes her home on the bus before going back to the facility to pick up his bike. Seeing a suspicious van leaving the facility, he is confused.
Going into the facility he realises the people left there are dead or missing and the test green fuel is rigged to blow, panicking and performing CPR on his dead professor he hasn't got time before the whole research facility is going to blow in true Hollywood style! He tries to disable it... but of course the computer programme has been over rided and he has ro get out before the explosion. So running out and grabbing his bike like a macho man Eddie begins to drive as the explosion happens... like I said in Hollywood style the expolsion resembles a nuclear attack and the whole of Chicargo can see it unfolding in front of their very eyes. Eddie of course is running away from this fire ball as it starts coming towards him and ends up sliding off his bike and cunningly roles into a convienant ditch.
Again machinery is flying through the air, bits of buildings and a couple of balls of flames added in for good messure are everywhere and all we see is Eddie a cut on his face.
This is just the start of the first act, with a punch and a kick that would have your eyes nearly popping out of your head (Like Arnie in the original Total Recall) you are instantly hooked.
And so the fit up begins, the morning after the night before , there is a massive police, fire and FBI investigation launch into the 'murder' and the cause of the explosion... Eddie is the number one suspect and here comes the storm that will have you constantly on the edge of your seat throughout the second and third acts!
With a Chinese scientist in there, you know the FBI are going to be paranoid from start to finish... and the search of Eddie's Apartment (Flat) finding documents that are from the Chinese and $250,000 in cash it's no surprise that the fit up has been set into motion (allow yourself to shake your fist at the CIA in this film) and Eddie along with Lilly have to now run.
And now you can guess the actual narrative from here on in, as it follows the same format as most Thrillers as this film is.... but you always have a funny feeling of Morgan Freeman's character as he's not to be trusted... I really don't want to give the film away but it is amazing.
So the verdict :
I actually enjoyed it, being a Bourne Fan and of course a James Bond Fan... this for me is a cracking film... acting was good as always, fast paced ... full of action and over all a great film to watch.
I would recommend it to anyone, film in 1996, pre-Matrix and post-Bill and Ted/Point Break it shows that Reeves is a versatile actor taking on any role you throw at him.
Wiesz is quint essentially British in this film, with the traditional accent and Freeman is just amazing ...
And so in the words of most film critics i have to award this film a 4/5 stars for great action, good pacing, brilliant narrative and brilliant acting.