
Friday, 23 August 2013

Actor turned Director to star in a tag- team Warner Bro's film in 2015!

Yes the rumours are true, Ben Affleck (director of Argo) has been confirmed as the new Batman for the collaborative Batman/Superman film due to be released in 2015.  There has been some bad reactions to this due to the fact that Batman was just completed with the fantastic trilogy written by David S Goyer and directed by legend Christopher Nolan.

There are doubts that the new tag team film will not live up to the trilogy that Christopher Nolan has just completed. The trilogy itself rebuilt Batman as a franchises credibility and to find out that it may be torn to pieces is not going to go down well in the comic/film community.

Whatever the outcome will be... I'm sure Mr Affleck will try and give Batman the justice the character deserves....

Any thoughts go to twitter and tweet me @Film_Buff22

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