We all remember when the first Harry Potter book came out , the excitement of new fiction for children and adults who loved the world of magic. It was no surprise at the turn of the new century talks were flying around about the books being made into a series of films that turned out to be the best move Wanner Bros ever made.
The Trio- Harry, Hermione and Ron! |
Harry Potter is a world wide franchise with fans across the world still reliving their favourite moments from the past 10 years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Not only with new talent springing into the lead roles of the trio of 'Misfits' that are Ron (Rupert Grint), Hermione (Emma Watson) and of course the main man himself Mr Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) as well as an all star cast of names including Dame Maggie Smith, Robbie Coltrane, Gary Oldman, Alan Rickman, Ralph Fiennes and Michael Gambon as Professor Dumbledore.
So what is so powerful about a boy who happens to be a wizard???
A very scary Ralph Fiennes as Lord Voldemort! |
Well lets take a trip down memory lane.... Baby Harry Potter fought off the evil dark lord Voldemort and became an orphan. Professor Dumbledore leaves him with his wicked and also very human (Muggles) Aunt and Uncle who treat him as a slave locking him in the cupboard under the stairs. Harry doesn't realise he has magical powers until he goes to London Zoo and begins talking to a snake before locking his cousin in the enclosure after freeing said snake. Which to the Aunt and Uncles Horror and most of the zoo. Harry then starts to receive letters saying that he has been accepted at Hogwarts and from the age of 11 to 17 he will be taught everything he needs to know about magic... from defending himself to flying a broomstick. It all sounds so simple.... but along the way Voldemort (or snake face to me- see the last part of the Goblet of Fire, Order of The Phoenix, Half Blood Prince and of course Deathly Hallows parts1&2) there will always be a spanner in the works, lets face it he is one of the most well known villains in the movie world now along with the fact that he is also a Teenager all this thrown in these movies have captivated audiences around the world for a decade.
1st Year Harry with beloved Owl Hedwig! |
So Harry Potter was the first... then came Twilight and now The Hunger Games just to name a few teenage books that have smashed into the box office. But unlike the other two films just mentioned as The Hunger Games is still continuing on the big screen.. Twilight is not re-played on TV every summer holiday with the violent films (4 and up) being broadcast later due to fantasy violence which earned it a certificate 12A (First brought in for Batman by the BBFC) and a PG-13 in the USA.
Ralph, Helena, Michael and Daniel on set for Harry Potter 5 |
Harry Potter has also put Britain back on the map, with most of the film if not all being filmed in the UK rather than abroad... once the films finally finished in 2011, The studio was reopened just outside of Glamorous Watford North London so that everybody could see all the props and effects that went into making these films and also to fly on a broomstick which is amazing. I haven't been yet ... when I do i'll post a picture. As well as having a studio tour , Orlando in Florida at Universal Studios has a full section dedicated to the world of Harry Potter including a life size model of Hogwarts and Hogsmead where you have the chance to have a cool glass of butter bear, buy a wand and whatever else takes your fancy whilst there. With all this as well as millions of copies of the books still being sold and read... I can for see that in 30 maybe 40 years time Harry Potter will be remade as films again as they are timeless... I can also see the books becoming apart of the English Lessons in the UK as they are brilliant to read.
Whatever you may think of the Boy Who Lived .... Harry Potter is here to stay!
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