
Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Super Heros - Comic Book geek ALERT !!!

Yes it is true I am a massive Comic Book Geek!
My first post was about Dredd, but before that I was into other comic films such as Spiderman!
Actually Spiderman was my intro to comic books.

Recently I want to see the new Spiderman staring Rhys Ifans and i really enjoyed the film it was darker than the other adaptations I watched and enjoyed it a lot more.

Other comic book films I have really enjoyed watching are of course the Batman trilogy by director Christopher Nolan (something about that man I love from when I saw The Prestige again thanks to college!) as it wasn't done in that silly cartoon style that some comic films seem to do which makes it look like cheese.... there is grit to the Nolan Batman's which I adore, as that is something he transferred through from his indie routes!

Other comic book films that i really liked were Sin City and The Green Lantern.
Interesting that the Green Lantern was the only other DC comic to become a major hit behind Superman and Batman. Wonder Women NEEDS A FILM!!! she's epic (was wonder women marvel?)

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