As a faint hearted person myself I don't really enjoy Horror films especially the Slashers!!!
So it got me to thinking what would be awesome is a list of some films that had the spooky theme but were tame enough not to scare the hell out of people!
Don't get me wrong I love gore within context so not a massive fan of red being all over the screen from start to finish so.... for all those who are having a little get together on Halloween with the kids or just having a fun night in, here are the films that I thought would be good to watch.
For a starter, lets have a look at a classic:
Yes The 1991 feature film that stars no other than Christopher Lloyd (Doc Brown to all you Back to the Future Fans!!) Is a fun and light hearted Halloween film with jokes and no scares. Although i wouldn't really recommend young children watching the film! But again for a great Halloween party, especially if Mum is dressed up as Morticia!!!
Above Picture of Morticia!
If thats not really your thing and have got young children around then no need to panic, Disney is always the answer !!!
Monsters INC (Which is planned to be screened at my friends Halloween Party- hmmm I want Donnie Darko but I don't think they'd let me somehow!) Is always a good solution although it isn't your classic Halloween film but it may just fit the bill, with loveable characters that are soft and fluffy and not terrifying and are just right for your little and big monsters running around the living room!
If you want to turn the lights down low and watch something a little bit more adult then I would suggest the cult classic that is Donnie Darko. The film was released in cinemas on Halloween 2001 and wasn't a major success in the USA but was a huge hit in the UK!
This again deals with more adult themes such as mental illness and a six foot rabbit called Frank! If you are scared or have a fear of guys in rabbit costumes or masks this isn't really the film for you!!!
As you can see Frank(far right) is not someone who you can really see in a cinema... he's a little bit freaky!!!!!
If you still want to entertain the teenagers then something like Twilight will do,with it's non offensive love story between a Human, A Vampire and A Werewolf (confusing situation for any human to be in right??) then this is the sort of film to watch although the sexual tension KILLS MEEE!!!!!
OOOO a smouldering R-Pazz!!!!! Gets teenage hearts fluttering faster than 1 Direction!!!!!
If your teens want a little bit more mature content- or more Violence and Sex then i suggest a TV Programme that is also a famous book, along the same theme as Twilight called:
'The Vampire Dairies'
As you can see a lot more Blood in this show I can tell you!!!!!
If Vampires are not your thing then... Harry Potter is another great film to put on, keeps the kids, teenagers and adults happy all at once. Warning for parents though as you go through the series of films themes become a lot older and wouldn't suggest little ones watching the film from about The Prisoner of Azkaban or Goblet of Fire!!!! (Warning to teenage hearts might brake in Goblet of Fire as R-Pazz dies!)
Wands at the Ready!!!!
Other films like:
Staring Sarah Jessica Parker and Bet Midler
Staring Robert Dinero, Michelle Pfeiffer and of Ricky Gavais!
Or of course snuggle up in front of the TV with a cup of Coca or Punch with fake eyeballs and watch what ever you want!!!!
Oh another film quickly which doesn't really have to do with Halloween but is set on that day and lovers of Anime will like this is :
Cowboy Bebop- The Movie !!!
Set in 2071, the tagline actually gives you a good idea of what the film is about!
It's a good watch!!!!
If not tuck the kids up in bed, if they're not still hyper from all the sweets and stick on an old classic from 1973!
Granted it is terrifying non the least but it is more phycological than gore up to the very end if you haven't seen it it's a massive surprise!!!
Even to the crew at the time!!!!!
Anyway i hope you find the perfect Halloween movie to suit your tastes and HAVE FUN!!!!!!
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