
Monday, 26 May 2014

Life of Pi

There is something about this film that is just haunting but with 4 Oscars to it's name you can see why.

On the surface you think that this film is just about a boy and tiger forming a bonding after a ship-wreck but as it turns out there is a lot more meaning to this film than meets the eye. The beauty of the cinematography and CGI enables the story to go further and brings out emotions and provokes thoughts that you wouldn't even have crossed your mind.

The story is terrifying as Pi tells is just a fairytale version of the true events, using animals to explain characters that were actually on the tiny life boat, the story you believe is up to you, but in the end you want to believe the story of a boy trapped on a tiny boat with a tiger in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Pi as a character even as a child was and is diverse, always discovering new forms of religion and trying to understand them. Born a Hindu in french India, he discovers Christianity and Islam. A wise child his father teaches him a lesson that will be scar him for life, watching as tiger Richard Parker kills a goat in front of his eyes. I must explain his father runs a zoo, the family decide to sell up and move to Canada taking the animals along with them.
The film explores the notion of religion and the notion of God which is something so intricate in detail and to hear from a teenage boy is also strange but quite humbling.

In the end the true story is:
The Cook on the ship kills a sailer after he severely broke his leg and then decides to eat him, after that the cook becomes more violent and before Pi's eyes kills his mother and throws her overboard to the sharks swimming in the water. Pi then retaliates killing the cook and doing the same actions that he had done to his mother. He then has to survive on his own until he washes up on the shores of Mexico.

Which story we all want to believe is:
A Zebra, A Hyena , A Orangutan, A Tiger and of course Pi are on this tiny boat in the middle of the ocean, The Hyena eats and kills the Zebra and then the Orangutan before the Richard Parker the tiger kills the Hyena. With Pi still on boat he then stays away building a raft and allowing Richard Parker to have his own territory. Over the course of the film, he begins to train and form a bond with the tiger. Suffering with him throughout the stormy seas and feeding him. Once the boat hits ground in Mexico the tiger runs off in the jungle and doesn't look back.

The realisation you have is that the tiger is Pi. It is a beautiful film and well worth a watch.

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