
Sunday, 20 October 2013

The End is Neigh - Ronald Emmerick's Masterpiece

Not many directors can boast that they have distroyed the world in a movie but the king of the disaster movie can.
 We all know Ronald Emmerick the German who likes to pack a punch when it comes to natural disasters and the end of the world as we know it. So when the opportunity arose to make a film about the prediction made by the Mayans 1000's of years ago that the world would end on the 21st of December 2012 there was only one man for the job. 

Although the irony of this post is the fact that we did survive and are now  in the last few months of 2013 (It's been a year since good old London town hosted the Olympics Games and Andy Murray won Wimbledon!),Emmerick gave us a terrifying look of what we could've expected if on the fateful day or in this case earlier to be expected the course of events would lead to the complete distruction of the Earth and everything that inhabits it.. so basically we were screwed from the outset. 

So what could of we expected? 

Where do I begin: 
. Tsunamis
. Earth Quakes 
. Super Volcanos 
. Fault Lines Shifting 

And thats just to name a few things that went on in this movie, unleashing Hell on Earth was Emmerick's plan and he succeeded! 

The plot line is simple, Scientist discovers that the end of the world is coming, tells his American college.... who tells his boss... who rings the President and then he holds a meeting with other world leaders and then they agree to save their own arses and give out opportunities for the mega rich to buy themeselves tickets to save their skins from the end of the world to the wonderful and god awful disgusting tune of €1BILLION to board specially built archs that will survive the eventual Mega-Tsunami that will engulf the the earth and they'll sail away happily aboard making a new civilisation for themselves once they hit dry land whilst waiting for the water to recede. 

So what about the rest of the world.. you and I ??? 
                 WE DIE!!!! 

Yep again Emmerick can show you the cruelty humanity can go through when facing a massive crisis but surprisingly our main character played by the lovely John Cusack who plays a normal guy who is a struggling author, divorced parent of two beautiful children and a limmo driver for the mega rich russian buisness man. He discovers after getting caught going over a high security government fence in Yellowstone national park that all is not well and something is going on for the Government to keep something a huge secret, he meets a crazy man who tells him that hey you're going to die. With this events lead to the complete destruction of the Californian coast... LA literally gets taken back by the Pacific Ocean and that sets the wheels into motion. He takes action getting his ex wife, two children and ex wives boyfriend and in the midst of complete and total carnage drives them to the airport when he hires a plane and hopefully gets them out of dodge. 

Anyway thats all you're going to know about the narrative otherwise i'm spoiling a complete and total Masterpiece. 

2012 is for all those who love a good disaster movie, it's literally just a film that uses every scenario known to man of how the world could end by using Mother Nature herself or complete countries or even continents could be wiped out and combines them all in a feast for the senses! Forget everything you've seen before, throw The Day After Tomorrow out of the window that was just the eastern sea board of America and New York in particular, in this film you get to see California go, Yellowstone errupt, The Vatincan fall to pieces and even the White House being completely crushed by a wave so huge it would distroy everything in it's path. It is just complete and utter carnage, with masses of people being CGI'd to their deaths and countries just gone. 
It is like Disaster Movie Porn in a way it's so over the top, hit you in the face ... This is the end of the world! But god is it worth it!! 

I love this film from start to finish , it does have moments in the narrative where you are nearly in tears as it focuses on humanity in this extreme situation and how it adapts to these new conditions and shows just how cruel and fickle we are as a race. And how an everyday person can defy the odds and end up a hero. 

I am rating this a 4 out of 5! 

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