
Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Welcome to the Elysium

From the Director that brought you District 9, comes the next Sci-Fi Epic, in my last post I promised you New Movie News, so here it is....

Elysium is set to be the top Sci-fi film to see this year, counting out Oblivion (which actually disappointed cinema audiences) with the same sort of narrative it promises to be filled with political thriller action plus Matt Damon running around the Earth in 2154 (Earth is now just a massive giant garbage refuge site or a 'Dump') with a massive machine gun trying to get up the social class ladder to get into the space station where the rich people live and get out of the Poverty stricken Earth where disease is rife and well there is just trash everywhere.

With all this going on, there would be no fun to a film without the highly charged baddy set to keep the poor people out of the nice place and away from them. The baddy comes in the shape of Jodie Foster.
It's kinda nice to have a female baddy for a change, but as you can see Jodie looks cold and cruel from the outset.

Having been dumbed by Total Film Magazine "The New Avatar" without the Aliens of course this film is going to kick some butt at the box office!!!

Anyway whether you like Sci-fi/political films give this one a watch when it hits the screens on the 20th September 2013 (UK cinemas).

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