
Monday, 15 April 2013

Oz The Great and Powerful

What can I say about Oz the Great and Powerful, being the prologue to The Wizard Of Oz (1939) explaining how the wizard came to be in Oz. 
I found it to be really good, I wouldn't really watch it in 3D due to the baboons popping infront of your screen but apart from that here goes: 
I enjoyed the film don't get me wrong but it was more from a cinematography point of view rather from a narrative point of view i'll explain myself in more detail about that later on. 

The film actually reminded me of Alice In Wonderland (the recent Tim Burton/ Disney one) the way it looked aesthetically, the imagery and the way it was filmed through to the music which was by the same composer Danny Elfman (also he did write The Simpson's Theme tune.. trivia) so it had the association in there for me. I loved the CGI, they brought Oz to life more than the first film did but then it was 1939  when the original was realised so .... really there is much you could've done with that.  The first opening scenes were interesting as it was all in Black and White and like the original I sat there in the cinema confused to what was actually happening. I found it to be comedic in places and also had that hint of the sinister about it, with the witches being the main focuses. I'll get back to the Narrative in the second.  As soon as you came into Oz everything turned into colour again, the screen got wider and to be honest it was amazing how they did that, it blew me away, I couldn't believe the special effects. The special effects also made up most of the supporting Characters (see above) in the world of OZ. 
I loved the little china doll, she was the best character apart from the monkey (Zac Braff from Scrubs) there is a scene where they are going to find the evil witch and they're on the yellow brick road and the wizard is saying go and walk back to Emerald City and she wants to go with them so she cries and cries until he says alright and then just jumps and begins skipping happily down the road. I was in fits of laughter as that would be something I would've done as a kid. 

Now onto the problem the narrative, It was good in places and kept within the theme and style of the Wizard of Oz with little musical numbers now and again, but the problem I actually had was with the Wizard himself.. his lines were reparative and REALLY CHEESY!!!! Now I love a little bit of Cheese but to bombarded with it all the time from the beginning of the film was just like give me a break! I mean I know that I am new at writing of scripts but i would never really repeat the same type of dialogue unless it was needed. Don't get me wrong great acting from beginning to end but the witches all three of them were the stars of the film! It was just that they made James Franco's Character a womaniser which ruined the image of the character. The wizard is made out to be noble and wise not a womanising idiot! anyway rant aside it's a good film but .... I didn't really enjoy it that much overall!!

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