Yes the long awaited season Premiere of Da Vinci's Demons comes to Fox tomorrow night at 9pm (GMT time).
Whats got me really excited about this series, a drama based on the actual life of the great man himself is the actual production side of this Television series. The whole production, majority of cast and all the crew is British. With Wales being the main location to the this bug budget drama.
Last week I watched an interview with the writer and producer of this TV programme David S Goyer (the man who made Batman come to life on the page) and it really intrigued me, being a fan of Television programmes such as Dexter I didn't want to miss out. Seeing little clips now and again on the trailer and adverts that Fox have been screening all month I actually cannot wait to see the final product. Yes I watch Fox alot ... due to the season premieres of NCIS and Dexter it's a channel I rarely turn off!
So about the programme itself, it is of course set in Italy (duh no brainer there) and follows Da Vinci's life, I think in the interview David S Goyer said that they had some of Da Vinci's dairies so they could piece together some of his life before dramatising the other sections (Because everyone needs artistic license don't they?) I was blown away with the fact they got the special effects technician off Doctor Who of all programmes (which again is amazing i'm just to scaredy to watch it... Cybermen I shall say no more) to work on their sets and special effects.
The British film industry may not be producing big budget films anymore but most of our specialties and great historical buildings and landscapes have enticed US film makers over to use our facilities and the work force, which in terms of the industry is a boost!!!
I know that we may be a small island but we are full of great talent and amazing history which means that we can make some awesome TV programmes and films!
Anyway enough of Patriotism... down to the nitty gritty... if you live in the UK catch Da Vinci's Demons at 9pm on FOX(124 on Sky) ... or catch it on plus one(165 on Sky) at 10pm (sorry to Virgin Media costumers i can't remember the channel numbers!) ... it is not to be missed as it looks incredible!!!