
Thursday, 7 March 2013

St Trinians - A classic revamped for a new generation

They Do As They Damn Well Please!!!
St Trianians is well loved by millions  all over the world, with a school that is more chaotic than mine was with girls that terrorise and make grown men weep!!!

In 2007 the old films were revamped to maximum effect and grossed over £12million in UK cinema box office and was the first film to actually come out of Ealing Studios in a long time and all UK produced, Financed and distributed .

When I watched this film I wished I went to that school not because I was a naughty kid but just because it looked amazing and also I would be a girl who would be just causing a riot on school grounds anyway enough said.
Miss Fritton - Rupert Everett 
The film is a modern day twist of the old 1950's films staring Alastair Simm as the notorious Headmistress ... replaced this time with Rupert Everett.

Normal Rupert!
Mr Darcy and Miss Fritton! 
What I love about Rupert Everett is the way he plays Miss Fritton , he is so femine but still has a masculine charm to the character which I love. Everytime I watch the film almost all the scenes i'm laughing at are his , especially his scenes with Collin Firth who again plays a bumbling idiot aptly named Mr Darcey ( But it isn't the same Mr Darcey from Bridget Jones's Dairy although he plays him the same way!) . They are in real life best friends so the comedy naturally flows between them as the chemistry is perfect.

There are huge references to Pride and Prejudice throughout this film.

With big names such as:
What a Difference a Film Makes! 
Lovely Fluffy Teacher!

Lena Headly - known now as MAMA in Dredd is Miss Dickinson the long suffering English Teacher who is pure , but faces a massive test when she enters the world of St Trianians as the girls are not what she expected!!!! But she convinces them to take part in a TV Quiz Show which is good for her and not to her knowledge good to the long suffering and almost bankrupt school.

Clelia Imerie as the Matron of the school a raging Alcoholic with issues, bless her ... making up a cocktail named after her latest husband. And I quote:
"Drink? It's my new concoction The Gerald, Cheap, Bitter and Completely Alcoholic!" 
That line makes me laugh like a teenage girl, everytime I hear it.
Russel Brand
Russel Brand in his first film appearance I think playing Flash, His role was a Cheeky London Boy who fences stolen gear.... who actually teaches the girls how to steal and cheat. Great Role Model for a bunch of School Girls!!!  In the Picture (Right) He's making them think about the 7 perfect Crimes to get "Half  a Bar... That £100,000 to you lovely ladies.".

The film is rated 12, which is no surprise with light swearing from time to time and the use of slapstick violence. I love this film to death , I know it word for word... and it's no surprise that I wanted to be a St Trinian when I was still in school cos lets face it, School isn't really all that fun.
St Trinian's revived the old classic British Cinema of old, we are the Kings and Queens of Comedy and do it pretty well with actors, actresses, writers, producers and film makers in general making cracking comedy but we haven't really seen it transcribe to the big screen in a long time especially using Ealing Studios. With the rise of Film 4 and BBC Film it has helped to get the UK back on the film map but we still have a long way to go.

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