
Thursday, 27 December 2012

Welcome Back To Recall 2012

What can you actually say about Total Recall, we all remember the original film with the austrian Terminating machine as the main star.
But fast forward to 2012, things have changed, including political agendas, one Olympic Games held in the United Kingdom and mass uprising in the Middle East.
Then Remaking the movie Classic Total Recall twenty years after it's release seems like a good idea right???

Well actually it was well worth it, with the arrival of a new narrative still in keeping with the old characters but with a twist. NO ONE GOES TO MARS THIS TIME!!!! So don't worry about the bad graphics at the end when Arnie has no oxygen and his face starts to badly blow up and his eyes double in size, instead expect loads of Kick Ass Action!!!!

Kate Beckinsale's Character is like the Terminator, she doesn't DIE!!!!! She's like a machine, she keeps going and going until the very end which is awesome. But the main guy is of course Colin Farrell.
Douglas Quad REVAMPED!!!!

We all know Collin from that brilliant film set in a phone booth in New York City where he is basically held Hostage for the whole film listening to a guy who has no idea what is going on talking to a bloke who has no idea who he is. Anyway moving on... Farrell's version of Quad is more intense and in some ways more realistic and believable then Arnie when it comes to actually losing his mind and getting confused to who he actually is. Like I mentioned the action is amazing and so to is the special effects.

I'll have to explain when the film is set and also where. Here we go!

Douglas Quad lives in the Colony (formally know as Australia) that is under the rule of the United Federation of Britain (Yes REALLY!!!). The rest of the world is waste land due to nuclear war wiping out most of the world but Britain and Australia survived.

To not give away much of the film as you have to watch it as it's amazing and completely confusing... not as confusing as Inception that blows your mind! But still confusing to say the least as you don't know who Farrell's character is. Is he the good guy or the bad guy??? Like Shutter Island at the end of the film you are confused

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