
Thursday, 27 December 2012

Welcome Back To Recall 2012

What can you actually say about Total Recall, we all remember the original film with the austrian Terminating machine as the main star.
But fast forward to 2012, things have changed, including political agendas, one Olympic Games held in the United Kingdom and mass uprising in the Middle East.
Then Remaking the movie Classic Total Recall twenty years after it's release seems like a good idea right???

Well actually it was well worth it, with the arrival of a new narrative still in keeping with the old characters but with a twist. NO ONE GOES TO MARS THIS TIME!!!! So don't worry about the bad graphics at the end when Arnie has no oxygen and his face starts to badly blow up and his eyes double in size, instead expect loads of Kick Ass Action!!!!

Kate Beckinsale's Character is like the Terminator, she doesn't DIE!!!!! She's like a machine, she keeps going and going until the very end which is awesome. But the main guy is of course Colin Farrell.
Douglas Quad REVAMPED!!!!

We all know Collin from that brilliant film set in a phone booth in New York City where he is basically held Hostage for the whole film listening to a guy who has no idea what is going on talking to a bloke who has no idea who he is. Anyway moving on... Farrell's version of Quad is more intense and in some ways more realistic and believable then Arnie when it comes to actually losing his mind and getting confused to who he actually is. Like I mentioned the action is amazing and so to is the special effects.

I'll have to explain when the film is set and also where. Here we go!

Douglas Quad lives in the Colony (formally know as Australia) that is under the rule of the United Federation of Britain (Yes REALLY!!!). The rest of the world is waste land due to nuclear war wiping out most of the world but Britain and Australia survived.

To not give away much of the film as you have to watch it as it's amazing and completely confusing... not as confusing as Inception that blows your mind! But still confusing to say the least as you don't know who Farrell's character is. Is he the good guy or the bad guy??? Like Shutter Island at the end of the film you are confused

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Films that are on this Christmas in the UK : BBC 1

Something that everyone looks forward to is the Christmas Film Schedule.

Yes I know it sounds sad but most people in the Uk will sit down not the watch the Queens Speech (God Forbid although this year it s being broadcasted in 3D) but instead to sit down as a family and wait for the classic films that they re-run every Christmas and New Year as well as some Premieres.

Sorry for all of those outside of the UK... For Uk heres my pick of the Pops:

On  BBC One  this Christmas:
 We have got some Brilliant Movies to sit down with the family on Christmas day to keep the children entertained as the Christmas dinner is cooking! (My choice this year is Lamb... I don't like Turkey!).

So here we go!!!

BBC 1 this year has got some great movies to offer with old time favourites which Include Santa Claus: The Movie (it is listed as The Santa Claus!)
Tim Allen Doing Santas Job that fateful Christmas Eve!
This is an recent classic with the film being released in 1994 (I was the tender age of 2 when this came out!) starring Tim Allen in the festive packed fun film. Tim Allen becomes Santa after putting his clothes on after Santa fell off the roof and turned into Dust. Look out for some comedy action in the form of the Reindeer  as I think it's either Donner or Blitzen who doesn't like the new Santa!!! With tears streaming down your face and the little ones screaming Santa at the TV it is my pick for over the festive season! you can see this festive treat on Christmas Eve at 12.15pm on BBC 1.

Second film in the Narnia Franchise! 

Also on Christmas Eve on BBC One is the return of Narnia with the second film in the series Prince Caspian this starts at 2pm.
Follow Susan, Peter, Edmond and Lucy back into Narnia on another wild Adventure!

Disney Classic Lady and The Tramp is on at 5.05pm. The Classic Love Story between a mongrel and a posh dog, bless it's one to watch!

So your Christmas Eve is sorted BBC One wise... What about the big day?

Ok so Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa is something you can look forward to.... Join Alex the lion as he is reunited with his family in Africa. It's not the Lion King but ... it still makes me cry!!!


Shrek: Forever After!
Yes our favourite Green Ogre is back for his fourth movie. Number 3 was rubbish.... Justin Timberlake has since proved he can do better!!!

Shrek this time makes a deal with the wrong person and ends up going to a reality to where in fact he was never born. Expect ups and Downs and loads of laughs this christmas with this little cracker!

Boxing Day .... you're stuffed full of Christmas food and feel like your never going to eat again... so the sofa is now your best friend... so this boring day BBC One will entertain you with:

Cars on 10.25am (if you are up at that time of day!) which is of course a disney/pixar animation from the makers of Toy Story. One to sit the children in front of the TV for!!!

Followed by another animation, this time from rival DreamWorks Happy Feet (another film that will make you cry) with the tail of a penguin who has lost his way from home because he can't sing but loves to dance! Happy Feet is on at 1.40pm!

Enchanted another Disney film... this time a mixture of classic disney animation and then live action as a princess is let loose in New York City. A twist on the Classic Princess Films by Disney. Enchanted is on at 3.20pm straight after Happy Feet!!


Alice and Wonderland is on at 6.50pm.

Tim Burtons wired and crazy version of Alice in Wonderland is based on the original tale by Lewis Carol following a girl who falls down a rabbit hole into a strange world called Wonderland. Starring Helen Bowmen Carter and Johnny Deep it is one to watch for all Tim Burton fans.

Check the Blog for listings for BBC 2 and ITV as well as Channel 4!!!!

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

My Christmas List !!!


1) Ted 

2) The Amazing Spiderman 

3) Batman- The Dark Knight Rises 

4) Snow White and The Huntsman 

5) Bourne Legacy 

6) Keith Lemon: The Film 

7) Dark Shadows 

8) Fright Night 

9) Inbetweeners: The Movie 

10) Muppets 

11) Red Drawf-Series 10

12) American Pie:The Reunion 

13) Memento 

14) Notebook 

15) The Rocky Horror Picture Show 

These are the films I actually want this year , some are very childish !!!! EG.... MUPPETS!!! But everyone loves the Muppets! 
And Slushy girly ones ... The note book!!!! 

Monday, 10 December 2012

The Non Conventional Christmas Film!

Everywhere we look there are thousands of Christmas films springing up, with all the family favourites such as Elf!

But if you want something different and a little bit darker then let me suggest this film:

The Nightmare Before Christmas!

Yes this seemly festive creation with a twist comes from of course Tim Burton.
The film itself is a masterpiece of Stop Motion Animation with a lot of time and patience going into creating this film.

So imagine this creepy scene, your in a town aptly named Halloweentown with ghouls and freaky skeleton like creatures running around the place.

When the lead charter Jack (who most people have come to love as an unlikely Disney Character) discovers Christmastown (you can see where this is going!) but doesn't really understand the concept of Christmas itself.

So you can see where the narrative is going with this with Jack and the other residents of Halloweentown throwing their first christmas, but not exactly how you would have it in your house!

It's a one to watch over the festive season if you are sick of the normal Christmas type films out there.

Therefore this has to go on the Christmas Top 10.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Some Stocking Fillers and Christmas Wish List Film Releases December 2012

Tis the season to ask for some films that will be entertaining you not just in the Christmas Holidays!

So sit back and get your pens at the ready to write your list to Santa!

To begin our little list, it is the blockbuster of this year and the most anticipated film for all Batman Lovers as Christopher Nolan gives us the final instalment of the Batman trilogy! 
The Dark Knight Rises, is the third instalment of the franchise with big named stars such as Christen Bale, Michel Cane and Garry Oldman  returning to our screens as the caped crusader tries to save Gotham City from a terrorist. Only the people of Gotham have outcasted Bane and deemed him an enemy. With all this going on, Catwomen makes a return to the Batman films played by the beautiful Anne Hathaway.
Get your copy of The Dark Knight Rises on the 4th December 2012.

Second is the Bourne Legacy following on from the success of the Bourne trilogy (obsessed with Trilogies right now!) is a film to satisfy all thriller spy action fans everywhere.

With hard hitting action and an intense story line for all those who just want something to have them on the edge of their seats this Christmas.
This film is an follow on from the last three films and is not related to the best selling books by Robert Ludlum. The films narrative keeps things up to date with twists and turns that will blow you away.  The Bourne Legacy will be one for the Boys this christmas!!!! Make sure you order it now as it is released on the 11th of this month!

For all your little ones, Santa might be bringing a copy of Ice Age:Continental Drift.
Following on from the success of the first three films follow your favourite characters:
Sid, Manny and Diago on a new adventure as their continent starts to drift!
Get your paws on this from the 11th of December!!!

And if that wasn't enough for you, this years biggest remake (apart from Dredd!!) Total Recall is out on Bluray and DVD from the 18th of December. Starring Colin Farrell taking on the role first played by Arnold Schwarzenegger back in 1990. The film follows Douglas Quid a seemingly normal average guy seeking out living his fantasy with the help of Recall! But all goes to pop when the fantasy he suspects is actually reality and will do anything to find out the truth and get back to mars!

Monday, 3 December 2012

It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas

Stockings over an fire !!!! 
Over this month look out for some christmasy themed posts, counting down the best christmas themed films to watch this year and seeing what you guys want in your stockings this year from Mr C himself.

So enjoy your December and relax with a mince pie and a glass of milk as we get ready for the festive season.

With this I will be counting down the Top 10 films for the season, from classics such as:

It's A Wonderful Life
White Christmas
Miracle on 34th Street
The Snowman

And not forgetting the ones that the kids will love before tucking them up in bed on Christmas Eve or entertaining them on Christmas Day whilst cooking the Turkey!!!

So sit down and relax and enjoy the festive season!!!!

And a Very Merry Christmas !!!!!