
Sunday, 11 November 2012

SkyFall - The Return Of 007 !

Sophisticated, Intelligent, The Best Of British?

What ever you think of Mr James Bond, he is a British Icon with even getting a spot with the Queen for the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony in London!!!!

Film Poster- with a License to Thrill! 
So it would be fitting to release the newest film in the Bond Franchise 'SkyFall' which hit our screens on the 26th October (In the UK anyway!) and has been a major success at the Box Office with making over  £53.4Million in over two weeks in UK cinemas. In it's opening weekend it grossed £16.1 million with UK cinema goers sitting down with a tub a popcorn with the expectation to be thrilled and amazed, which I can confirm they were.

Last night being 10th November 2012, I sat down in my local cinema with two people behind me kicking my seat and talking about how they weren't interested in Bond. In my head I was like:

Anyway back to the point, waiting for the typical opening sequence of any James Bond film before the beautiful opening titles with the theme of the film, which again varies on the artist on how good it was going to be.

Adele was amazing, the song 'SkyFall' is one of beauty, and reminds you of the classic Bond themes from the 1960's, taking you back to the days when Shirley Bassey was singing the Bond themes of Old - like Diamonds Are Forever and GoldFinger!

This was a theme throughout SkyFall had an air of the first Bond's with the return of the Aston Martin DB5 , first seen in GoldFinger in 1964 and driven by the Original Bond Mr Sean Connery!
Daniel Craig (aka 007) With the Classic Aston Martin DB5 
Speaking of which the narrative starts with the return of Bond, I don't want to give to much away but something does happen. The film gives the audience in James Bond himself, we learn where he comes from and what happened to his parents and why he turned out to be the killing machine he is, but with all this nostalgia there is some new faces and modern threats in the Bond Villain who happens to be a former MI6 agent who has some serious issues in the Mental Health Department- also he has fake teeth and part of a Jaw that he can take out which you get to know why in the film but it was really really creepy.
The New 'Q' very young for Q Branch!
Which Bond likes to point out! 
The narrative arch explores the threat of Cyber Terrorism which is mainly the threat that is predicted to actually be important in the Intelligence World. How using a computer is more likely to become the weapon of choice and how are MI6 as well as the world deal with this threat.
You can also say goodbye to the typical gadgets that comes with any James Bond Film, The Old Q has been replaced with a younger new version that spends most of his time on his laptop which is no surprise with minimal gadgets such as a radio and a gun that registers Bond's palm print.

London is also the centre of most of this film making it's appearance regularly with using iconic locations such as the Underground, World War II Bunkers and of course the SkyLine of London. But Scotland also gets a feature right at the end, with beautiful scenery from the Highlands of Scotland!

I don't want to reveal any more of the film, as it is a one to sit down and watch yourself and also I would be ruining it!

Daniel Craig as Bond! 
Daniel Craig as always is brilliant of Bond, Sean Connery is still the number 1 Bond, but I like the edginess of Daniel Craig the urgency that he brings to the character and the slight narcissistic tendency he brings to Bond.

If you want to watch a film and you don't know what to watch please go and see this film. Like all Bond Films it has the thrills, Action Scenes, Car Chases, Exotic Locations, Beautiful Girls and Beautiful Cars as well as the typical Jokes that always appear in any Bond Film.

007 Doesn't just have a License To Kill, he has a License To Thrill To!
Even The Queen Approves! 

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