
Friday, 28 September 2012


Seriously if you thought that Dredd was not going to be good second time around, think again!


The whole film from start to finish kicked the original terrible version into touch and showed the world that Dredd can be done properly!

From start to finish, the atmosphere was right, the way Mega City One had been created on screen... the look of it was how you would've pictured it reading the comic, the music suited the mood of the film and helped the narrative along. The characters, Dredd is how Dredd should be!!!!
Someone actually paid attention to the comic and thought right this time we are not going to do anything silly this time, no taking off his helmet, not ego trips... this time we are going to keep it basic, to 2000AD and thats what they did!!!! Dredd himself was almost robotic, he has no emotions no nothing... just him the Law standing for justice.
The way in which they filmed with 3D, this is what 3D should've been used from the very beginning, with camera angles and shots that'll blow your mind in 3D and high definition.
The main focus of the film itself is on the Peach Trees estate as it were, although it is an high-rise that has 200 floors and everything you could possibly need under one roof. It is controlled by the Ma Ma gang lead by Mama herself(Lena Headly) producing a new drug called Slow Mo and aiming to get it onto the streets of Mega City One.

(image above part of the advertisements for Dredd 3D) 

(Image above Lena Headly as Ma Ma)

The interesting throughout is the way that they have modernised the issues of Dredd making them more related to today with Drugs and Gun Crime being at the forefront of this.

If you love a good comic book Adult film then this is a must see for you with loads of high speed chases, guns, gore and blood a real watch!

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