James Cameron, think what you like about him but The Terminator to say it was an indie before becoming big budget film franchise giant was amazing with even the skeleton that makes to laugh my head off is outstanding. He also has got a lot of patience to come up with a film idea and then having to wait over 15 years to make it is unreal ... Avatar was put on the back burner due to the fact that the technology available to Mr Cameron at the time when he thought up of this idea, he could've made it but instead choose to wait to make the film one of his best. Also who can forget Titanic which was in some way Cameron's most famous and biggest hit at the box office (until Avatar smashed it's record and blew it out of the water quite literally!) with the CGI effects of the boat sinking and Kate Winslet and a very young and sexy Leonardo Di Caprio (I have a thing for him) it's no wonder he's on my list.
Christopher Nolan is someone who I admire and look up to as he's a British director who just makes amazing movies... every time I sit and watch Inception, Batman,Momento and The Prestige i'm stunned by his style... most Brit directors do have a gritty dark side to them which makes films more dark anyway but the way he took on a massive DC Comic like Batman and made in opinion a Masterpiece of a trilogy from start to finish with the use of amazing actors which I have to say includes the mighty Gary Oldman and Sir Michael Cane as well as Christian Bale in these dark and slightly deeply disturbing eerie films. The Dark Knight happens to be my favourite although The Dark Knight Rises is also one of my other favourites as it just kicks butt! Christopher Nolan is just a legend and a treasure to my little country!
Stanley Kubrick is another director I look up to... whether it be his adaptation of The Shining which author Steven King absolutely detested or the strange and wired A Clock Work Orange which was banned by the BBFC for extreme violence on it's UK release which is just silly as i've watched it and to be honest compared to modern day Horror films that is nothing in the way of Violence ... I digress Stanley Kubrick is from the Movie Brat era and is a Movie Brat himself and sometimes overshadowed by his counter parts Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola who are some of my favourite directors and writers on to Scorsese in a bit, Kubrick's way of finding quirky and oddball subjects makes him unique and thats what I love about him really... he reminds me of George Orwell and maybe even Salvador Dahli in a way with the use of slightly more strange techniques to enhance the visual aspects of his films.
Stephen Spielberg is to me an inspiration, he is the father of the modern blockbuster creating a shark as a villain who's soundtrack is just two notes. His beautiful and heart warming tale of a an extra terrestrial who has a bond and loving friendship with a little boy in California to taking us to a war with Saving Private Ryan which scares the hell out of me. But it isn't all about his films to why he is my favourite Director it's to do with him as a person as I share something with Mr Spielberg I am Aspergers.
Not many people really know what Aspergers syndrome is.... it is a high functioning form of Autism that
effects lots of people around the world and when I found out I had the condition I researched who else had it and he came up. Being in love with films to know that you share a condition or a way life with someone who you look up to is amazing and gives me hope. So other than the fact that he is an amazing director I have looked up to him for that reason as well.
I mentioned Martin Scorsese before... he is a Movie Brat Legend... Taxi Driver is an amazing film but my favourite has to be Shutter Island. This film is again an adaptation on a book which is sinister, freaky and damn right confusing... again it's the Inception moment at the end of the film where you just go What?? The way he actually directed it and the use of colour and camera shots was amazing .. and to create a film with such complex narrative and plot ideas is just mind blowing.
I've only mentioned a few there as the list would go on and on .. but I know that there are some amazing people on that list ... who have changed cinematic history or developed cinema in a positive light. All I know is without the Director's, Producers, Writers and Actors films would not be what they are today.