
Thursday, 31 January 2013

Scriptwriting - A New Adventure

yes i'm finally trying my hand at writing a 30 minute script as part of my university course.
This actually sounds really boring but I actually wanted to share my idea © so here goes:

A Deadly Sin

Meet Jane a doctor by day but a serial killer by night.
Jane is a 30 something doctor with strong religious beliefs who has a pathological need to relieve the suffering from their pain in God's name. She seeks out her victims and kills them painlessly and effectively before dumping their bodies around the city.
One day whilst working a child comes into the trauma unit with acute burns and is most likely going to die from their injuries , Jane feels the urge inside herself and battles with herself whether to kill or save the child.

And that is what I have got
so far ... I have 10 weeks to work on it ... but it's the initial foundation to the narrative :)

Anyway night all :)

Monday, 28 January 2013

The Matrix -Should it Be In 3D?

Channel 5 pulled a winner of a film this weekend by showing The Matrix(1999).

If you haven't seen The Matrix where have you been.

A thought occurred to me whilst I was watching it, The Graphics and CGI were so good, is it about time that the film be shown in 3D or available to buy in 3D.

The argument for this in my view is simple.....  DO IT!!!!

There are many scenes in that film or even as a whole collective that will work well in 3D.
The Nature of the film is futuristic so isn't it about time that The Matrix was upgraded into 3D?

After seeing Dredd in 3D and I have to say that was the best use of 3D i have seen in a long time, as 3D films have been churned out as a commercial pony with most companies jumping on the bandwagon just to make some money but not thinking about quality.

When I was thinking about Dredd and 3D in particular I came to the Conclusion what other films that were made earlier on in the noughties/late nineties (2000-2010) that would transfer to 3D and The Matrix was first on my list, just because of it's amazing attention to detail and narrative that keeps you thinking long after watching the film.

Anyway .... If you haven't seen The Matrix (which is just silly) or have forgotten the story ... then heres a little recap or introduction:

Thomas A.Anderson(Keanu Reeves)  is a computer programmer by day, but at night becomes the computer hacker  known only as Neo.  Neo has questioned his reality and where his place is in it.
The truth as he discovers is far beyond his wildest imagination.

Anyway the film is about the question of Reality, is what we see, feel and do real?

In the film they explain this through the use of computer programming which in simple terms is that this world is infact a simulation and not reality.

Really you could call yourself a Sim (EA Computer Game) being controlled by a machine that uses humans as Batteries.

I'm not going to give to much away... as it is just a mind blowing film.

Part of a trilogy of 3 it is the best as 2 and 3 get a little boring .... but still well worth a watch!

As someone who has seen films in 3D that have poorly been made ... i still remember the blue and red glasses ... eww shuddering at the thought maybe it is about time that The Matrix is brought back to our cinema screens in 3D or IMAX!

Click to Watch Trailer Below:

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

The French Revolution Comes To The Big Screen

Set in 19th Century France, Les Miserables is going to be a big movie hit.

Les Mis is the hottest film to be released this year with it's highly anticipated release into UK Cinemas on the 11th January (this coming Friday) it's no wonder that it is one of the hottest movie ticket in town.

Unlike any musical you have seen before Les Mis will surely make you cry with a narrative so complex and overwhelming and heart wrenching as well as being set in the dramatic backdrop of the French Revolution.

I would recommend taking tissues with you to the cinema as you'll be crying your heart out.

The film stars some of the biggest names in the film world with Russell Crow, Huge Jackman, Anne Hatherway and Amanda Seyfried it's no wonder that the Tom Hooper Film has been nominated for 4 Golden Globes along with being nominated for 9 BAFTAS!!!!

The Oscars are still to be announced!

So what can you expect from Les Mis???

Well I would say beautiful cinematography (from what i've seen from the trailers... is on my I need to Watch this list!), amazing music score and brilliant acting throughout.

Anne Hatherway suffered the most for her art as in the famous scene her character has all her hair cut off and before you say it is fake, Anne is sporting a beautiful short hairstyle as he lovely long brown locks were chopped off for this particular scene.
There are also reports that Russell Crow's singing isn't the best although i'm sure he'll make up for it in his acting!!

So if you're doing nothing this friday go to your local cinema and get your popcorn and tissues at the ready and sing your hearts out to this classic.

happy 2013

ok so a new year singles a new batch of films coming to our screens yes so buckle up because 2013 has sone treats in store.
with Texas Chainsaw Massacre being remade and this time shown in 3D so that the braver lot can get more intimate with the gore.
Also it's nearly award season is upon us with the bafta nominations being announced today.
A surprise nominee for best supporting actor goes to Ben Affleck for his role in Steven Spielberg's film Lincoln.
Anyway keep a close look on the blog for more :)